Predictions for 2020 and beyond...

1)    One of the 2020 hot topics in the real estate industry will be how a changing climate is already affecting markets in U.S.

2)    Real estate buyers will be asking questions about how climate change could affect a potential investment.

3)    The decade of the 2020’s will see a massive transition towards NZE homes and commercial buildings

4)    Transition will be aided by more and more rigorous energy conservation in building code

5)    All electric homes and commercial buildings will be standard in new construction by 2025

6)    In 2020 the National Association of REALTORS® will create a 2030 climate action plan

7)    Solar PV will continue its rapid evolution on homes and businesses (distributed generation).

8)    The Passive House standard will have it’s day in the sun.

9)    At some point in the next decade cost effective battery storage of power in homes will be the standard. Electric vehicles will be part of the battery storage option.

10)  Buildings that mitigate GHG emissions and that are more resilient to a changing climate will gain significant market advantages